i {heart} instagram

This gallery contains 19 photos.

i have a confession to make. not only am i addicted to Pinterest, but i am addicted to Instagram as well. i opted not to take my bulky Nikon camera for my last couple of trips and i snapped shots with my iPhone instead. i was so glad i did. i brought my photos into … Continue reading

addicted to pinterest

addicted to pinterest

image found at galofalltrades.com

is anyone else as addicted to Pinterest as i am? i remember just a few short months ago i requested membership for a Pinterest account. and then i waited. and waited and waited. and then i got the email that allowed me to become a member and the rest is history!

for those of you that don’t know what Pinterest is, it is a virtual bulletin board that allows you to save, organize and share your internet finds. membership is free and you no longer need an invitation to sign up.

i love the fact that i can house all of my internet finds in one place. and there is the mobile version, too. so i can be pinning away from just about anywhere. time in a doctor’s office or at Jiffy Lube has never gone so quickly!

back before the internet (it’s hard to believe there was such a time) i would tear pages out of my magazines and put them into clear sheet protectors and then into binders. there was one subject per binder (entertaining, gardening, recipes, etc). it was much easier to find an article or idea using this system than thumbing through hundreds of magazines looking for that one recipe that would make a special meal complete.

Pinterest is kind of like that old binder system of mine. only it’s much easier to search what you are looking for. i can go through and repin what others have already found, pin some of my original projects or ideas or pin other internet finds. the best part for me is that people can share ideas. looking at everyone else’s ideas inspires me to be a little more creative, to put a little bit more effort into what i am doing and to look at things a little bit differently.

i have recently set up a simplified living Pinterest account for organizing ideas, projects and favorite products. it’s been fun putting it together and i’d love your feedback.

follow me on pinterest. or send me your pinterest username and i’ll follow you!